By Gloria Walker-Oliver

This is a call to Colors
As valiant and strong a nation I belong
That's not the refrain of this song
The colors I refer? Prefer..?
That my soul rattles and stir
Are the colors of life.
Every experience has a gradation of tint
That signifies it's weakness.. it's strength
The hue will devastate you
Yes! Your complexion can recreate, ground and direct.
We breathe in Colors.
This is a call to Colors
A multi Chroma march into Destiny
A magnificent journey predisposed To GOD's touch
With all the misfortune.. how can you tell..?
When your inner core tweaks higher than your outer
and you swell.
With every new tincture and tinged.. Your value increase
GOD's grip is strong and when
He release.. You...
The specter of HIM left behind
Will reflect from you and cause
Your reality to be different from Your appearance.
We glow in colors.
This is a call to Colors
A Brilliant vibration of stance
Push and pull infused
With beams that supersede your
Own thoughts and deeds
Whatever your intent, GOD's circumvent
Any All deceit, Transpose your goals.. Reinvent
And fortify your Pose
The pain of Birth Segway you
To be flush with the Rush of the
Promised arch of His hand
Your Uncompromising exertion will suffice as He hover's
We Live and Remember in COLORS.